Michael W. Smith - Singer/Songwriter

Michael W. Smith

Celebrity, Necklaces

Wanting to take a trip to Nashville, we booked our weekend which included a concert with Michael W. Smith. As soon as we booked it, I felt led to make him and his wife something as he had inspired me as a youth leader years ago. I wanted to make something special, just in case the opportunity would present itself to give it to them (as slim as a chance as it seemed). The weekend was incredible and we were able to meet, not only Michael and his wife , but his mother and Father as well – and spend time with them throughout the entire weekend. I was able to give the creations I made for them directly to Michael W. Smith, and explain it was to bless him and his wife for all the people he inspires with his music. Such an honor to have God work through me to bless someone by using the talents he has given me.