Custom gifts from the Lakeshore

Posted on June 1, 2012 · Posted in blog


Its always more special to give handmade gifts that have some kind of significance than the usual “made in China” item with no meaning.

The Lake shore and Sea shore are always great places to find beautiful stones, glass and shells. These can often times make beautiful jewelry. Finding these items on a vacation or a walk along a beach can preserve a memory of a special time, person or place. Having that item made into something functional, has the potential to integrate that memory into your daily life.

One family would take walks along the beach and find glass and stones. Stone creations were made for two of the children who found and kept the stones from their walk. Having necklaces made out of the treasures they found was a great way for her kids to cherish the memory of those family walks on the beach for years to come.

Another client wanted to get something for her friend who she used to go to camp with as a child on Lake Erie. Giving her a gift for her birthday, encompassing beach glass from the shores of that Lake, serves to preserve those special childhood memories.

Even unique patterns of Driftwood  found along the beach can become unique creations of wearable art.